Mindful Beauty Tibetan Medicine Incence from Bhutan
Coming Soon !!!
Mindful Beauty Tibetan Medicine Incence is sourced from Bhutan. We source our incence from Bhutan becuase of its clean environment and long tradition of making quality incence in this way that is not only admired by humans but apparently Gods and Godesses as well.
Using only the finest ingredients our incence is handmade by incence craftsmen and women. Many ingredients such as woods and resins are used to create the aromas.
Mindful Beauty Tibetan Medicine Incence is sourced from Bhutan. We source our incence from Bhutan becuase of its clean environment and long tradition of making quality incence in this way that is not only admired by humans but apparently Gods and Godesses as well.
Using only the finest ingredients our incence is handmade by incence craftsmen and women. Many ingredients such as woods and resins are used to create the aromas.
On the best incence is provided to us